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Today my daughter Emma will be going behind bars, and won't get out for the next few years. She went to school this morning fully prepared to enjoy her last day of freedom. Actually, she's been preparing herself for the past few weeks, doing all kinds of things that she'll miss out on because of those bars. Eating Starburst, sugar gum, laffy taffy, popcorn.....
The scary thing is that if I don't comply with the rules, I may find my own self behind some bars, too. It's a "pay up or else" kinda thing. Bail is thousands and thousands of dollars. I don't prefer orange suits, so I think I'll pay up.
Emma prefers rainbow colors, so that's what she'll choose. She thinks she'll change it up a bit depending on the holidays. I told her ok, as long as she doesn't choose something gross like black and orange for Halloween.
She keeps saying that she SO does not want this, but she knows she'll be SO glad after she's released. Who doesn't love freedom?
Yeesh, I see so many analogies here this morning, but I haven't had my 12th cup of coffee yet. So maybe all the ideas in my head about choosing hard things because of the reward that follows will have to wait for another day.
I need to go run and get some pudding cups from the store. And supplies for chicken n dumplins. And some Tylenol.
This afternoon, Emma will be the proud new wearer of braces, and I will be the despondant poor proud owner of an orthodontics bill.
Not sure who will be needing the Tylenol.......
Today, a nap is calling my name.
But Kristin, you ask. Isn't it only 8:30am right now?
Yes, ma'am. Yes it is.
How can you even think about a nap when you've only been up for an hour and a half? you wonder. Isn't that ridiculously lazy? Maybe you just need some more coffee.
I understand your worries, really I do. And truth be told, not long ago I would have been embarassed to take a nap on a gorgeous sunny afternoon, let alone admit it to the world. There are dishes calling my name, sheets to be changed, clothes to be washed, and toys to be put away. And also today, a blood peeing dog that just had surgery yesterday and needs to watched.
But today, I proudly claim my nap.
Know why? I need it. I need my Gilgal.
Yep. I read the first few chapters in Joshua last week, and was reminded of Gilgal, the place that Joshua set twelve stones after God parted the Jordan river for the Isrealites to cross over towards the Promised Land.
It was where the arc of the covenant returned to each day, after the men compassed the city of Jericho during it's seige. It was where celebrations took place. It was a place of rest.
God had a plan for his people, and there was work to be done. There was a Promised Land just waiting to be claimed. But He knew that in the midst of the work, there needed to be a place to rest and be refreshed. It was Gilgal.
Each day, we have work to do, too. Today, the Promised Land is God's plan for me - His best for me. There's work to do, but I also need the rest. A lot has been going on, and I'm just plain tired. Looking ahead this week, I know that today is the one day that I have a chance to slow down and rest. So I am CLAIMING my Gilgal nap today!
I don't know what you'll be doing this afternoon, but I hope it's something great. Do you have a Gilgal? A time of rest? Is it hard for you to stop and take time to be refreshed?
Well spring is springing and I for one am feeling slightly refreshed.
I took the winter wreaths off the doors today, as my way of telling Old Man Winter that he's no longer welcome in these here parts.
I may get even more bold and pack all the gloves and scarves away in the attic. Not sure how much I feel like tempting fate today.
It's been quite the start to the new year here at the Tea Time house. Not much that's been happening directly to me, but lots of big stuff that's been hard, and quite frankly, a huge weight on our shoulders the past two months. I've enjoyed reading other's blogs the past few weeks, and have even attempted to sit and write a few times. It seemed, at the time, a hill too huge to climb. When 2 million thoughts are swirling around in your head, how do you pick just a few? So I've been quiet, thinking on all that's going on, thinking about the past, and dwelling on the present.
And today I decided that if God can take the dreary, cold land and replenish it with sunshine, and the hope of Spring, then surely He is ready for me to move forward as well.
Yesterday we spent the day playing outside in the sunshine, and boy did it do a world of good for us all. Then my girls and I talked about all the things we LOVE about warm weather, and summer. It made me so excited, I can hardly wait for summer!
Right now, there's the hope of Spring. Each day, I can see it, hear it, smell it, feel it a little bit more. God is doing something new, I know it! He makes a way in the desert, and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:19) We may be drowning in unplanned expenses, have family members in crisis, seriously ill relatives, sick pets, and everything else. But He keeps giving grace each day. So while I live in the present, I will choose to keep looking forward. Not behind, not to the right of left. He is doing a new thing - Spring is coming!