Ahhh, it's Tuesday. We've survived two days back to school.
Two whole weeks off for everyone, and for two whole weeks, I've been dreading the start of school! Mornings filled with breakfast making, and lunch packing, and snack packing, and homework signing, and glove finding, and unfortunately some grouchiness too. What's not to love? Honestly, I've never seen anyone that consistently has such foul moods in the morning as Clara. That kid just doesn't know how to wake up on the right side of the bed. Well, it's back to normal, I guess - is there any such thing?? I've heard that normal is just a setting on the dryer. ;)
I'm incapable of composing a cohesive post tonight. I blame it on the weather. My toes are cold right now - that's what I'm thinking about. It's absolutely SO gosh dern freezing here. Our fireplace has been running nonstop. Methinks we'll be having some excitement when the next gas bill arrives.
So, on an exciting note..... I'm working on character development. Last week I became ruthless. Something I've wanted to be for a very long time. I spared no feelings, I tossed aside. I gave no thought to sentiments. Yes, I could get used to that. No holds barred. I went through all three of my kids' closets, and we got rid of almost everything!!! Even the playroom is done. If we didn't absolutely need it, it was GONE. I think we singlehandedly contributed to almost half of the town landfill. AND, we gave 28 huge bags full of clothes to Goodwill. That is a.l.o.t of crap, y'all. And oooh boy does it feel good!
Seriously though, I think that's my resolution this year. To get rid of crap. No, that doesn't sound good. To be ruthless. No, not that either. How 'bout this? I resolve to continually get rid of anything we don't need. It's either trash, or there is someone else who could use it.
It's been an interesting start to the New Year so far. I'm anticipating what God will have in store for me this year. No telling. If I had my way, I'm sure I'd mess it up royally. Every day that goes by, I see more and more clearly that His ways are NOT my ways, and His thoughts are not like mine. Thankfully, His mercies for me are also new every morning.
I've been thinking on this verse for the past few days - Acts 2:42. I hadn't read it anytime recently, but it's been on my heart lately. "They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread and to prayer." I think this will be one of my verses for the year. Even just the prayer part - the devoted word makes it a pretty stong statement, doesn't it? I want to be that woman - the devoted one.
How 'bout you? What are you resolving this year? What are your goals?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
3 days ago
Have you ever watched that show on Hoarding?
I've watched two of them now and NOTHING makes me want to get rid of stuff more than watching that show! And I am already pretty close to being a minimalist....not truly, but pretty close!
I am so impressed by your winnowing efforts. Your closets and playroom look great. I always feel like a weight is lifted when I purge our stuff. I am always willing to help if you need it!
Wow! I'm impressed girl! I know you don't love this so good to hear you took control of the stuff. I've been doing some of that, too. It's not easy, though with your kids home. My kids don't want to get rid of anything!
Great reminder on that verse! Happy New Year - I miss seeing you, girl!
fHello eveyone...
I am a brasilian pastor working with a multi cultural church in Fort Myers, FL. We do missions, too. I have seem your blog and liked a lot. God bless your mission. Pr. Alvaro
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